Haldwani to Pithoragarh Taxi
The distance from Haldwani to Pithoragarh is 190KM and time require to cover the route from Haldwani to Pithoragarh is about 6 hours, Pithoragrh is located in Uttarakhand. Pithoragarh district have all the facilities available including airport. Pithoragarh is a really beautiful city and a hill station with manu intersting sightseeing. If you want to visit Pithoragarh from Haldwani and require a cab from Haldwani to Pithoragarh then you are at the right place because Dehradun Tour & Travel provide the best taxi service Haldwani to Pithoragarh you can book any type of cab for one way and round trip to Pithoragarh like Innova, Sedan, SUV, etc. All the cabs of Dehradun Tour & Travel are well clean and sanitized, if you want to cover sightseeing in Pithoragarh we also provide cab for sightseeing coverage. Pithoragarh also shares its border with China and Nepal we promise to make your ride comfortable, smooth and memorable.
Haldwani to Pithoragarh taxi at 15% discount
Dehradun Tour & Travel have many car rental options for Haldwani to Pithoragarh like one way and round trip. Dehradun Tour & Travel have special offer for customer on round trip to Pithoragarh there is flat 15% discount on Haldwani to pithoragarh taxi if you book cab for the first time for round trip. We provide taxi in lowest fare and excellent service all in your budget with skilled and educated drivers. So, what are you waiting for call or WhatsApp now on 9258397664 and get you cab done in lowest fares.
Why hire cab from Dehradun Tour & Travel ?
- 24 hour customer support
- Safe and Secure cab service.
- Taxi service at lowest prices.
- Advance Booking available.
- Drivers do not smoke or drink.
- Cab at your doorstep.
- Easy cab booking.
- No Advance payment.
- Polite, educated, and skilled drivers.
- More than 10 year expirience.
- Pictures of vehicle is also shown to customers before ride.
- Discount on given rates if you book cab via call.
Cab options Available Haldwani to Pithoragarh
- Sedan (Dzire, Etios, Zest, Amaze, etc)
- SUV (Innova, Innova crysta, Ertiga, etc)
- Minibus (Tempo Travelller)
- Bus